PLG Software

iOS apps as logistics software

Header Ios Apps

The application of iOS apps in logistics

All processes become Easily verifiable

Especially in logistics, more and more iOS apps are being used to automate and optimize a wide variety of processes.

Whether it’s scanning UHF TAGs and the associated input of data into SAP or other ERP systems, multi-processing through multiple tabs, direct recognition of the first scan field, direct user guidance to the input fields, or much more: iOS apps have become an indispensable part of everyday work in this industry.

Beispielbild Apple Gerät
SCM Shopper App

SHOPPER order app

For easy, mobile ordering, assortment planning and inventory in all stores. SHOPPER significantly improves the efficiency of the digital supply chain within a store as well as between the head office and the retail and wholesale stores. SHOPPER offers state-of-the-art functionalities in a simple and user-friendly way:

  • Order entry incl. Price verification
  • Order suggestions
  • Sales promotion (bestsellers, newcomers, promotions)
  • Freely createable or predefined order lists
  • Mobile cash register & emergency cash register system
  • Search functions
  • Shopping cart analysis & recommendation systems
  • Communication and news features


The BEAMER app is an enterprise browser app for iOS devices. It presents web pages in full-screen mode and, in addition to keyboard input, allows scanning of various barcodes via special scanning hardware. The scanning hardware is connected directly via a Lightning adapter or USB C adapter (e.g. Linea Pro scan cases) or is paired with the iOS device via Bluetooth (e.g. Zebra or ProGlove barcode scanner).

In normal operation with the app, the user sees the web page completely without navigation bar and other controls, allowing to fully concentrate on using the web application for his work process.

Beamer App für ios

Functions of the BEAMER app for web-based scanning processes:

  • Scan and input function for web processes
  • Compatible with all Auto ID shapes
  • Multi-process working through multiple tabs
  • Direct detection of the first scan field (Select)
  • Direct user guidance to the input fields (Auto-Enter)
  • Autosubmit function
  • Automatic login
  • Manual input or direct scan
  • Automatic configuration settings of the functions can be controlled via Master Device Management
  • Kiosk mode adjustable: let application run or not
  • Updating of website data possible from within the app
  • Hardware directly also available: Scan cases
  • Fast onboarding: No time-consuming software and process adjustments due to rapid integration of the app within a few minutes
  • Both available: smart devices and software

Features and benefits:

  • Scanning and UHF TAG input function for web processes in SAP or other ERPs
  • Compatible with all Auto ID forms
  • Multi-editable through multiple tabs
  • Direct detection of the first scan field (Select)
  • Direct user guidance to the input fields (Auto Entry)
  • Automatic transmission function
  • Automatic login
  • Manual input or direct scan
  • Automatic configuration settings of the functions can be controlled via the Master Device Management
  • Kiosk mode adjustable: run application or not
  • Updating of website data possible via the app
  • Hardware directly available: Scan cases
  • Fast onboarding: No time-consuming software development and
    and process adjustments thanks to rapid integration of the app
    within a few minutes
  • Both available: Smart devices and software

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proLogistik Holding GmbH
Fallgatter 1
44369 Dortmund

I accept the privacy policy.

proLogistik Holding GmbH
Fallgatter 1
44369 Dortmund

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You have questions? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We are gladly there for you.

proLogistik Holding GmbH Fallgatter 1 Germany - 44369 Dortmund +49 (0) 231 5194-0 +49 (0) 231 5194-4900