PLG Pick-by-Vision

Pick-by-vision system solutions

Pick-by-Vision – Picking with an overview

Efficient picking with the data glasses

With pick-by-vision, the picker has everything in view and everything under control. Because this innovative method allows him to use both hands to handle the goods at any time. Because he does not have to get the information, but it is literally projected into his field of vision, he can act faster while preventing errors and damage.

Mitarbeiter arbeitet mit Pick by Vision

Many advantages for you:

Speed and offline functionality
  • All warehouse processes are visible on the order display of the data glasses
  • Voice output can be activated if required
  • Thanks to Bluetooth barcode scanner can jump back or forward in the work process
  • The user can work offline. The queries and data requests of the glasses run locally via a high-performance in-memory database.
Compatibility with vision providers and pick technologies

Extremely variable: We work with different pick-by-vision hardware providers. Our solutions can be combined with other picking technologies such as pick-by-scanning.

Hands free

Only the goods in your hands: one-button navigation and Bluetooth connection to the barcode scanner enable hands-free operation. This reduces work errors and extremely speeds up the process flow.

Questions and answers about data glasses

Do the data glasses work offline?
Yes! Since the queries and data requests run locally via a high-performance in-memory database, the user can also work with the glasses offline.

Can third-party systems (ERP, webshop) be connected?
Third-party applications such as ERP systems can also be connected to the server application of the pick-by-vision solution via various interfaces.

We will be happy to advise you on our products

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proLogistik Holding GmbH
Fallgatter 1
44369 Dortmund

I accept the privacy policy.

proLogistik Holding GmbH
Fallgatter 1
44369 Dortmund

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You have questions? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We are gladly there for you.

proLogistik Holding GmbH Fallgatter 1 Germany - 44369 Dortmund +49 (0) 231 5194-0 +49 (0) 231 5194-4900