PLG pro-Voice

Pick-by-Voice / Voice Pick System

Pick-by-voice – touch directly with empty hands

Voice-guided work processes for more efficiency

Pick-by-voice refers to voucherless and voice-supported dialog systems that serve to optimize workflows. With our voice solution, your employees work “hands-free”. This significantly increases productivity and speed in the warehouse.

With our pro-Voice voice system, the picker receives all picking instructions through a headset. The picker confirms the work steps performed directly via voice input into the microphone and does not have to deal with paper lists or mobile barcode readers. The pure focus on the picking process results in very high picking accuracy and performance.

One language system – many possible applications
Our voice system pro-Voice can be used in various areas besides order picking. The use of a voice-guided dialog system also makes sense outside of logistics. For example, in industrial applications such as machine control or the control of driverless transportation vehicles.

  • Incoming goods inspection
  • Stock transfer
  • Outgoing goods
  • Storage
  • Replenishment
  • Checklists in the area of quality management, service and maintenance
  • Order picking
  • Inventory
  • Factory management in production
  • Cross-docking
  • Quality control

Pick-by-voice – this is the voice you should listen to

It works as simple as this

What is voice picking
The check digit verifies that the employee has taken the requested amount. Thereupon the next storage place is announced. In the event that the required quantity cannot be picked, the inventory discrepancies can be managed by voice assistance. If the employee has to change the location, the new aisle is communicated to him directly.

How Pick-by-Voice starts
The warehouse employee is guided to the appropriate storage location and load carrier by voice commands. To confirm the correct storage location, it names the appropriate check digit here.

The advantages of our voice system pLG pro-Voice:

  • More speed through hands-free picking
    The warehouse employee has his hands free, is not distracted by paperwork and can thus concentrate on his picking work.
  • Reduced error rates
    Less distraction leads to reduced error rates while increasing efficiency. The employee can concentrate on the voice commands and is not distracted by colleague conversations or other actions in the warehouse.
  • Voice assistance in the warehouse
    With the help of voice picking, employees can be accompanied through the entire process. For people with visual impairments, it is an all-around useful assistance system.
  • Combine speech and scanner
    You want to combine pro-Voice with scanning devices? This is also not a problem. The proLogistik Group is a hardware solution partner for pick-by-voice systems and develops its own scanner units.
  • Add display
    If you do not want to do without a visual display, you can play back the information simultaneously on a cell phone display. The software is able to switch between voice and text.
Mitarbeiter freut sich über die Steigerung der Effizienz beim Arbeitsprozess

Any connection can be realized

Thanks to a wide range of integration options, our voice system can be used without any problems for a wide variety of pick-by-voice actions and can be connected to any ERP or WMS. As a service, you can expect comprehensive advice before, during and after installation, the possibility to test equipment on loan, on-site support during commissioning and a repair department with short lead times.

Why Pick-by-Voice from the proLogistik Group

  • Software independent – connect to any ERP or LVS
  • Speaker-independent and employee-independent
  • Over 20 languages and dialects
  • Multilingual applicable
  • Bluetooth or wired usable
  • Filtering the background noise
  • High wearing comfort due to lightweight battery and flat design
  • Extensive headset delivery program
  • Multilingual applicable
  • Headset pairable

The pro-Voice integration options

  • pro-Voice Easy
    Own connection possible in short time into own software systems by the customer
  • pro-Voice Smart
    Existing picking processes are converted using pro-Voice converter
  • pro-Voice Expert
    Implementation of a complete picking solution
  • pro-Voice SAP
    Interface to SAP, 100% integrated
  • pro-Voice XLS
    Software for connecting the pro-Voice clients to Microsoft Excel

Our Pick-by-Voice Client  “Provoice 9.40”


With the device management software SOTI MobiControl, we always keep track of our hardware, digitalize the support of our users and optimize the reporting of our hardware infrastructure. With SOTI MobiControl, we manage our devices easily and securely and keep downtime as low as possible.

We will be happy to advise you on our products

We are here for you.

Give us a call or send us a message. We look forward to welcoming you.

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proLogistik Holding GmbH
Fallgatter 1
44369 Dortmund

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proLogistik Holding GmbH
Fallgatter 1
44369 Dortmund

Write to us!

You have questions? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We are gladly there for you.

proLogistik Holding GmbH Fallgatter 1 Germany - 44369 Dortmund +49 (0) 231 5194-0 +49 (0) 231 5194-4900