What is an item number?
Nowadays, many products and goods look confusingly similar. Usually, only a small detail distinguishes them, such as the size or the color. In order to be able to identify each article without any doubt, the item numbers play a decisive role.
Item numbers identify the respective article, allowing it to be categorized and differentiated. Each of these numbers is only assigned once so that mix-ups can be ruled out. Item numbers are also irreplaceable for merchandise management systems in order to plan stock, production and delivery.
The item number in logistics - what is it used for?
Item numbers are not only very important in retail and production. They also play a key role in logistics and have become indispensable. It is required for these logistical processes:
- Storage
- Inventory
- Interface controls
- Customs clearance
In most cases, especially in a warehouse, the goods can only be conclusively identified using item numbers. It is therefore important that these are always specified for stock orders.