Picking processes in comparison
The selected picking process or picking method follows the picking strategy and ultimately determines the individually suitable and installed picking system, which is often a combination of different technologies. Key distinguishing features are:
- Single-stage order picking
- Two-stage picking
During order-oriented single-stage picking, the worker assembles the goods, which are either static or dynamic, in a single round trip. With series-oriented two-stage picking – also known as batch picking – customer orders are grouped together. In a first step, the employee removes single-item partial quantities independently of the individual order. The second stage marks the final sorting of the goods into the respective orders. The advantage of this process compared to single-stage picking is that both the number of accesses and the running time can be reduced. A further shortened two-stage picking process can be realized using automated sorting and distribution systems.
Paperless picking eliminates the need for manual picking lists. The most common methods currently used include pick-by-voice, pick-by-light, pick-by-MDE or pick-by-scan, pick-by-vision and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification).
You can find our picking solution here!