Waiver customer

Waiver customer: no additional cover through transport or forwarding insurance

A so-called waiver customer is a client who uses the services of a freight forwarder but at the same time waives insurance cover for transportation and storage. The freight forwarder is not obliged to insure the transported goods separately - typically as part of a so-called damage or forwarding insurance.

Important: The general rules are that the freight forwarder is basically entitled, but not obligated, depending on whether the insurance of the goods is in the customer's interest. This can usually be assumed if insurance was "procured" for previous orders or a value of goods was specified. Further details are regulated by the German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions, e.g. ADSp 2017.

The waiver customer actively prohibits the freight forwarder from organizing additional insurance cover. Usually, the customer or client of the freight forwarder has its own general insurance.


Logistik Lexikon Verzichtskunde

Image: fizkes / Shutterstock

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