Mit der Logisitkberatung von

Have your logistics processes grown over the years? Would you like to reduce your throughput times and cut storage costs? The answer is logistics consulting tailored to your needs. Efficient logistics are particularly important during the coronavirus crisis in order to prevent supply bottlenecks and maintain supply chains. Our logistics experts put your logistics processes to the test – independently of our warehouse management software. We analyze your processes, take a close look at your structures and create a logistics concept that meets your needs. What can you expect from our logistics consulting? Our team is on hand to advise you before, during and after the project phase. Even before the project starts, we carry out an analysis of your warehouse and make suggestions for optimizing your logistics processes. Sustainable and future-oriented. Location analysis: Not every location is equally suitable for every company. Depending on the industry and structure, different criteria need to be taken into account. As part of logistics planning, we check for you how procurement, production and distribution can be efficiently linked at the location. Warehouse and layout planning: Which warehouse structure makes sense to enable optimum use of the warehouse? We get to the bottom of … Read more

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proLogistik Holding GmbH Fallgatter 1 Germany - 44369 Dortmund +49 (0) 231 5194-0 +49 (0) 231 5194-4900