Digital consignment note for more transparency


Digital Waybill

Transports with the proLogistik Group e-waybill

faster and safer

With the proLogistik Group’s e-waybill, you already fulfil the future requirements of shippers and are one step ahead of the competition!

The electronic consignment note is now also a reality in transport logistics. With the proLogistik e-CMR, you can ensure fast data feedback at the end of the transport chain and make the entire process significantly more transparent, economical and 100 per cent legally compliant. This is because the digital consignment note e-CMR is based on blockchain technology, which provides reliable protection against manipulation.

  • Time saving:
    Digitalisation eliminates time-consuming manual processes
  • Cost reduction:
    No more need for physical storage and printing of paper documents
  • Increased safety and accuracy:
    Digital processing minimises paper consumption
  • Increased safety and accuracy:
    Automated data transfer minimises human error
  • Improving customer relations:
    Immediate dissemination of information to customers and partners leads to improved collaboration and satisfaction
  • Improved transparency and traceability:
    All parties involved have access to up-to-date information on the status of the consignment at all times

pLG e-CMR: The figures behind the digital transport revolution

Time saving
with 50 lorries

Absolutely secure thanks to blockchain technology

Data manipulation excluded

The proLogistik e-CMR reliably fulfils the high security requirements for the transport of goods often worth millions. Together with leading logistics companies, we have defined an end-to-end secure process for the digital consignment note – based on a legally compliant blockchain that prevents tampering.

Fulfilling the requirements of the future

Fulfil the requirements of major shippers and the central requirement of demanding clients. Provide the proof of delivery (POD) promptly after delivery – in digital form, legally signed and with all relevant information.

Proven digital expertise

With the proLogistik software for the digital consignment note, you position yourself as a modern,
forward-looking transport company – a boost to your image and a clear competitive advantage.
Because the future of transport logistics is digital.

No more giving away money

The receipted waybills are available to you immediately after unloading so that you can invoice immediately. The user-friendly operation for the drivers and the multilingual workflow also ensure seamless recording of delivery obstacles or waiting times.

Sustainable cost savings

The digital proof of delivery (POD) facilitates correct data capture and, unlike the printed consignment note, you can process it directly in the system. This saves you time-consuming and costly rework in the back office. Expensive empty lorry journeys to hand over conventional waybills in the office as well as printing and paper costs are also eliminated.

ImagebroschΓΌre der proLogistik
pLG image brochure

An english version of our proLogistik Group image brochure.

We will be happy to advise you on the subject of pLG e-CMR

We are here to help you.

Give us a call or send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you.

proLogistik Holding GmbH
Fallgatter 1
44369 Dortmund

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    You have questions? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We are gladly there for you.

    proLogistik Holding GmbH Fallgatter 1 Germany - 44369 Dortmund +49 (0) 231 5194-0 +49 (0) 231 5194-4900