Navigation off the beaten track

pLG Route Optimization Software

4 % less transportation costs, distance and CO₂ – plus 2 % faster

AI-generated scheduling processes

The pLG Route Optimization IT system considers the individual cost structure plus other framework conditions for each vehicle and replaces standard navigation specifications with cost-efficient routes.

In addition, the system compares actual routes with planned routes and analyzes deviations so that the reasons for these deviations can be eliminated for subsequent journeys. In this way, freight carriers save a good eight percent on empty, load and detour kilometers, and CO₂ and transportation costs accordingly.

  • Individually cost-optimized route per vehicle
  • Takes all relevant vehicle and route data into account
  • Variable speed profiles per route section
  • Prioritization of path, time or cost savings
  • Seamless route transfer to any navigation system
  • Integration of subcontractor vehicles


  • Optimizes the route for each vehicle according to the route profile
  • Takes into account all cost-relevant parameters
  • Comparison and analysis of actual and target route
  • Reports on a variety of KPIs such as CO₂ consumption

The cost-optimized route for each vehicle 

While standard navigation systems prefer to route via motorways, Route Optimization takes individual factors for each vehicle into account. E.g., daily rates or consumption and wear, personnel and break costs, Europe-wide toll and tunnel costs and many other parameters can be included in the route calculation. The system also takes vehicle restrictions such as width, height or weight into account. Route Optimization can be activated or deactivated for each tour as required.

The algorithm merges all data, even from different systems, into one application, including live traffic or telematics data. Even dispatcher knowledge acquired over many years can be easily stored. The result: a highly efficient optimization of routes that reduces the number of empty, load and detour kilometers, saves CO2 and, in particular, drastically cuts costs.

Target/actual analysis for continuous optimization

After the transportation, the integrated route analysis compares the planned routes with the actual data in order to identify reasons for detours and continuously optimize routes. In this way, the system learns and continuously optimizes future journeys. This makes the system a flexible tool for efficient route planning incl. cost control.

Intuitive operation and visualization for a quick overview

The system is simple and intuitive to operate: The route calculated for each vehicle is automatically transferred to the respective navigation system. The dispatcher can see at a glance whether the optimized route is being used. In addition to the visualization of the optimized target routes, a wide range of filter options can also be used to display live actual routes or comparisons with standard navigation specifications, for example. pLG Route Optimization can be used in combination with any transportation management system (TMS) and any telematics system.

Individually cost-optimized route per vehicle

Depending on consumption and wear costs, equipment and many other factors, different vehicles incur very different transportation costs depending on the route. Route Optimization takes all factors into account – even vehicles from subcontractors can be easily integrated into the workflow.

Takes all relevant vehicle and route data into account

All cost factors, such as toll stations or tunnel costs (including time dependencies) are stored in the system. The entry of current road closures or the release of ferry connections also further optimizes the routing.

Variable speed profiles per route section  

In addition, pLG Route Optimization can also access manually stored speed profiles or data from past trips from the telematics system for each route section and for each time of day. This becomes relevant, for example, if significantly lower speeds than the prescribed speed limits are to be expected on a section of road at certain times.

Prioritization of path, time or cost savings 

Based on the diverse and individually adjustable parameters, the system calculates the best route depending on the customer’s priorities – either prioritized according to distance, time or cost savings. Due to the low average highway speed of a truck of 67 km/h, federal roads, for example, are real alternatives for route finding in many cases.

Automatic route transfer to any navigation system 

pLG Route Optimization can be used in combination with any Transport Management System (TMS) and any telematics system. It automatically transmits the individually calculated route for each vehicle to the respective navigation system.

Easy integration of subcontractor vehicles 

If customers work with subcontractors, cost-optimized routes can also be easily created for them. A web portal, which can also be made available to subcontractors on a rights-controlled basis, also enables them to monitor, control and analyze optimized routes. In a very pragmatic way, the system also offers the option of setting up credit note procedures for subcontractors.


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