Warehouse logistics software

What is warehouse logistics software?

With increasing cost and competitive pressure, logistics companies and freight forwarders in particular are required to react to the various market conditions. The tasks in intralogistics are also becoming increasingly comprehensive and go beyond the core expertise. Measures to optimize processes, increase productivity and flexibly adapt to customer requirements are therefore a top priority.

The solution is a warehouse logistics software that can be used to control and manage stock levels in the warehouse. The warehouse logistics software includes standard modules that can be combined with flexible modules and can be individually customized depending on the industry.

The advantages of warehouse logistics software:

  • Customer-specific individualization within the software
  • Cost optimization through preliminary planning
  • Optimal use of goods and employees
  • Current stock levels can be viewed at any time
  • Transparency of warehouse operations

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Logistik-Lexikon Lagerlogistik

Image: ESB Professional / Shutterstock

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proLogistik Holding GmbH Fallgatter 1 Germany - 44369 Dortmund +49 (0) 231 5194-0 +49 (0) 231 5194-4900 info@prologistik.com www.prologistik.com